Thursday, August 17, 2006


"But I don't want anymore change!" -- Kassie
It reminded me of a lot of things I've been going through. She's 7 and she was in tears over the changes in teachers. She wants me to stay forever and Tracie wishes I would so she wouldn't have to hire different teachers. On the bike ride back, I thought a lot about her comment on change.

Change. When I was 7, I cried about going to college. Then there were other things I didn't want to do, but I was taught that doing things I don't like to do builds character. Then I went to college. That was change. A lot of change. And many times... I hated change. But change often hurts. But God has something special and better planned through change... even if I don't see it yet.

Change. It's not so scary as it was last year.


Blogger jo said...

they're pretty similar in driving style only here they yell alot more.

2:12 AM  

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